The Habitat ReStore depends on enthusiastic volunteers for everything from helping customers to arranging merchandise. Whether you enjoy interacting with the public or prefer working behind the scenes, chances are that we have a volunteer opportunity for you. Habitat for Humanity volunteers give their time and talents to construction sites, committees, the office and in ReStores. They have helped people realize the dream of owning a decent, affordable home by sharing their gifts.

To learn more, contact us at 413-442-3181 ext. 8 or email [email protected].

Thank you for expressing interest in getting involved at Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity.

To get involved, please visit the link provided below to explore our featured opportunities and register. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the link to get redirected to our Vome page --> the platform we use to coordinate new registrations and shift reservations:
  2. Select the opportunity you're most interested in
  3. Click the Register button on the bottom-right of your screen, which will prompt you to create an account on Vome
  4. You will then be redirected to the registration form that must be filled out and submitted. Please make sure to fill out all the required fields for a successful submission! *Include this sentence if you would like to encourage new registrant to request available shifts in their form submission: [We also kindly ask you to request available shifts within the calendar section of the form!]
  5. When you arrive to the end of the form > on the bottom right of the page > Click Submit

If you face any roadblocks while attempting to register for the opportuntiy, here is a link to an FAQ which includes a step-by-step guide and screenshots: An organization shared a link to their page with me. What do I do next?

*You can insert the sentence below if you have a screening checklist across any of your opportunities

Lastly, once you successfully register for the opportunity, you will be redirected to your Opportunities page, where you will see that you're pending for the opportunity until approved by an admin. While you're pending, you will already be able to view and interact with the assigned screening checklist. Please complete all of the screening checklist requirments!

As always, you can reach out to me if you have any questions. Additionally, if you need help from the Vome team to learn more about their platform and how to navigate it, you can visit their support page.

For parents/guardians
of minors only:

Please download, print, and complete

Volunteer Waiver Form (PDF),

scan or take a picture of the completed waiver unless otherwise specified. To learn more, contact us at
413-442-3181 ext. 8 or email [email protected].

Lockton Training Opportunities

Our volunteers can be educated on what to expect when they volunteer for Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity as well as learn safety techniques before you arrive on the job site!

  1. Visit Safety Matters. Safety First.
  2. Click 'Begin Now' in dark blue box in top right corner.
  3. Copy 'Access Code' in left column.
  4. Select 'Take Training Course Now.'
  5. Paste access code in 'Employee Access Code'.
  6. Click 'Submit'.
  7. Select - any of the training options of your liking
  8. Activate Adobe Flash Player.